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Plantronics Discovery 975 Bluetooth Cellular Headset

Plantronics 975 Bluetooth Wireless HeadsetPlantronics announced today their newest model for Bluetooth cellular users, the Discovery 975. Built on the strong foundation of the Discovery 925, the 975 will now include AudioIQ2 which is a dual mic system allowing one microphone to target your voice and the other mic to target back ground noise. This makes your voice crisp and clear in the noisiest of environments. List price is $129 and will be available in October 2009.


Product Description: Premium Bluetooth Headset
Product Model: Plantronics Discovery 975
SKU: 81640-01
Available Regions: US
List: $129.99
Available: October 2009

One response to “Plantronics Discovery 975 Bluetooth Cellular Headset”

  1. I purchased mine when it first came out.. Never had any issues I love it. The sound is clear and love the way it fits and the fact it has adjustable ear pieces. Light weight and the travel charging case is a nice extra feature.

    Totally worth the money!!!!!

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