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Plantronics HL10 Handset Lifter Date Codes

Plantronics HL10 Handset Lifter Date Codes


The date code on the HL10 Handset Lifter shows four numbers.  The first two numbers stand for the number of the week (in epoch measure) of the year that the HL10 was manufactured; the second two numbers stand for the last two numbers of the year.  In the example below, the week 46 is November 10 – November 16, and the year shows 03, which stands for 2003.  So this HL10 was made in the week of November 10 – 16, 2003.

If you want to convert the first two numbers to dates, you can find an epoch converter on the Internet, and it will show you the dates that correspond to each week number of the year.

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