Our office is currently closed for the holiday and will reopen Tuesday, Sept 3rd.
Have a safe and happy holiday!

Plantronics Headsets Plan for Productivity

The key to productivity is following a strategic plan. Plan your days to be as productive as possible by using the technology available to you. Plantronics headsets are highly respected as a quality product. The audio quality and design durability stand out from the competition. Productivity equals profit. If your employees can work an entire … Continued

Grandstream phones are compatible with Plantronics headsets.

We had a customer inquiry about the compatibility of Plantronics headsets with Grandstream telephones: Question: We were told that we need cable #38099-01 to connect our Plantronics H-series headsets to the new Grandstream GXP2124 phones we just had installed. With our old phones we were using Polaris cables. Why can’t we use them? Answer: To begin with, … Continued

Headset Comfort

If your headset is not comfortable…you won’t use it! It’s plain and simple.   How Much Does A Good Headset Cost? You can spend $50 on a low-end corded headset from your local office supply store or pay $100-150 for a commercial grade headset, but is there really a difference?  HUGE!!!  You will find great differences … Continued

Replacing the Voice Tube in Your H-Series Headset

Did you know that Plantronics recommends that you change the voice tube on your headset about every 6 months?  There is a screen at the end of the voice tube that can become plugged up over time.  Once the voice tube starts gathering particles in the screen, you will be hard to hear.  So when … Continued

Plantronics Family of Commercial Aviation Headsets

Three Great Products Deliver Superior Sound Quality, Comfort and Reliability for Commercial Aviation Pilots Plantronics, Inc. (NYSE:PLT) portfolio of headsets for the commercial aviation industry include three great models to choose from. The three headsets are approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and continue the company’s tradition of delivering superior communication products within the … Continued

Choosing the Right Telephone Headset

As little as 10 years ago, the choices of telephone headsets for your home or office were few, and vendors were limited. Now with the advent of new technology and the internet, the choices are great, and suppliers are plentiful. Choosing the best headset for your application, and finding a company that knows and understands … Continued

What Model Phone Works Best with My Headset?

Those of you who have ever called Headsets Direct in search of a headset for an office phone have often heard the question:  What’s the make and model of your phone?  While some may think of it as lengthening the selection process since, after all, they already know what headset they want, the question is … Continued