Poly SHS2371-11 PTT USB Adapter


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Poly SHS2371-11 PTT (Poly 92371-11 or HP 8K718AA#AC3)

  • Push-To-Talk adapter
  • Stereo provides USB audio and digital PTT signal
  • This is a special order item
  • Poly will replace defective units within warranty period
  • Typical lead time is 12-14 weeks from Poly


  • Speciality Item - Please Call
  • Warranty 1-Year

Poly SHS2371-11 PTT USB Adapter – Poly 92371-11 or HP 8K718AA#AC3

The Poly SHS2371-11 PTT USB Adapter part # Poly 92371-11 or HP 8K718AA#AC3 is based upon products that are the proven standard for Air Traffic Control and Public Safety Dispatch.  It is for use with training simulators, VoIP communications and speech recognition – anywhere that high quality USB audio with push-to-talk switching is required.  User comfort guaranteed by a wide range of compatible Poly headsets.
Poly SHS2371-11 PTT USB Adapter

Poly Push-To-Talk Features:

  • Compatible with standard USB drivers.
  • TA6MLX Connector (Not the standard Poly Quick Disconnect – See pictures above).
  • The Push-to-Talk switch enumerates as button 1 of a single button game controller.
  • The SHS2371-11 only works with Dual Channel headsets (HW261N-DC & SHR2073-01).

TECH TIP: The host software needs to support PTT functionality, which is recognized by windows as a game controller button 1. If not, the button press has no impact.

Poly Push-To-Talk Product Details:

  • Model: SHS2371-11
  • Version: Stereo
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Poly SKU: 92371-11
    • Formerly 92371-01
    • UPC: 0017229159648
  • HP SKU: 8K718AA#AC3
    • UPC: 197497781236

Additional information for the Poly SHS2371-11 PTT USB Adapter




92371-11 (Poly), 8K718AA#AC3 (HP)


017229159648 (Poly), 197497781236 (HP)






Speciality Item – Please Call


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